Clothing and accessories printed with cyanotype require a different kind of love and care than you might be used to with other garments. Please try to keep washing to a minimum, and follow the steps below when you do need to wash your Psyano wearables.
Wash by hand only — using cold water with 1 TBSP - 1/4 cup (depending on size of garment) white vinegar (this refreshes the fabric).
To keep the dark blues dark, prepare a small bath of cold water with 1 TBSP - 1/4 cup (depending on size of garment) of hydrogen peroxide. Swirl the garment in the bath.
Finally, you can rinse the garment with cold water and a small amount of essential oil if you wish, to remove both vinegar and H2O2.
AIR DRY (you can use a fan to expedite dry time).
Ironing with LOW HEAT is perfectly a-ok.
Don’t machine wash your garment and do not machine dry. Soaps containing chlorides, phosphates, and / or sodium compounds can leech the print of its blue hues, and therefore contact with these chemicals should be avoided at all costs. Do NOT dry directly in sunlight.